Kamis, 31 Mei 2012

Burung Lucu Dari Kertas Warna Warni

Kampoeng Info - Hallo Friends!!what's up! I'm so sorry, more 3 days I haven't updated my blog, because I have something to do. although it's not too important but I can't leave it, what is it??hehe I'm so busy for watching interesting korean movie, it's heard so funny because I'm true boy but I do love korean movie, especially the movie whose genre is romance, comedy. LOL :D Ok...I think enough, Now let me to share again. ok check it out!

Burung tropis, blackbirds, kolibri, flamingoes, angsa dan tucans adalah bagian dari kreasi unik dari seniman asal Kolombia, Industri Diana Herrera Beltran. Di umurnya yang masih 24 tahun, dia menciptakan patung burung yang indah, ekspresif dan sederhana. Koleksinya adalah sekawanan burung cantik terbuat dari lapisan kertas warna-warni. Karyanya terlihat begitu natural dan rinci.



Fun with Paper: Colorful Paper Birds by Diana Beltran Herrera

Fun with Paper: Colorful Paper Birds by Diana Beltran Herrera

Fun with Paper: Colorful Paper Birds by Diana Beltran Herrera

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